Hey, since when people in Indonesia addressing a man as bro and a woman as sis?===> It's become a habbit in biker community , a man as bro , means brother , and a woman as sis , means sister.We're bored with our language ,it's so cooled when everybody called "Bro"
I bet you want to know how do I know this web site right? Well, like everything else it is accidental===> Of course i know , you wrote my posting on HondaBikes.net ,it's that right..?
What's the biggest CC size in Indonesia? 200CC? If it is, you guys need to petition your government to allow you to ride whatever CC you want to ride.==> No, you're wrong man..!! The biggest CC in Indonesia is 400cc ,less than 400cc are allowed , but more than 400cc we can only ride on saturday and Sunday only , alot of people have big bike in Indonesia ( Such as HD,Ducati,etc..etc..) this big bike became a Hobbies Bike and it's totally legal.
I think 200CC is too small for me or anybody (no power and cannot fly)===> Who said that , we always fly when the night is calling ,thats why we named our community "BATRIDERS"
BTW , Welcome aboard bro..!! Everybody who came here,we called as our brother.
Thanks for your question bro..!!